Study Week 2016

1 Peter - I Am Not Ashamed

SW16 Group Photo

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Peter's first epistle was written to comfort and strengthen believers that were about to experience severe persecution.

He encourages them by writing about the glory of their future inheritance, kept safe for those who are suffering for the sake of Christ. Peter exhorts them ‐ and us ‐ to avoid worldly pleasures and serve the living God, describing the importance of sharing our hope and glorifying God, rather than being ashamed of Christ.

Peter encouraged us to be ready to give a defense of our faith, to display love toward one another, to be strong in our faith and to remove any doubts. He reminded us that we are a chosen people that belong to our God, called from darkness into marvellous light.

During the week we learned how Peter's words apply to our lives today, so that we too may be able to say of our Lord, "I am not ashamed!"

1 Peter Wordle

Launch Video



Subject Description
First Peter Study Notes Additional comprehensive study material, written by David Baird
Study Week 2016 Notes Electronic copy of the official Study Week 2016 notes
Leaders Reading Booklet Leaders Reading Booklet
Attendees Reading Booklet Attendees Reading Booklet


Subject Description
Peter's Denials Study of Peter's denials by James McCann

Study Week Audio Resources

Preparation Workshops

Track Presenter Study Title File Presentation File
1 James McCann Section 1 - Background Audio icon SW2016 workshop section 1.mp3 PDF icon SW2016 workshop section 1.pdf
2 James McCann Section 2 - 1 Peter chapter 1 Audio icon SW2016 workshop section 2.mp3 PDF icon SW2016 workshop section 2.pdf
3 Des Partridge Section 3 - 1 Peter chapter 2 Audio icon SW2016 workshop section 3.mp3
4 Des Partridge Section 4 - 1 Peter chapter 3 Audio icon SW2016 workshop section 4.mp3
5 James McCann Section 5 - 1 Peter chapter 4 Audio icon SW2016 workshop section 5.mp3
6 Matt Teal Section 6 - 1 Peter chapter 5 Audio icon SW2016 workshop section 6.mp3

SW2016 Recordings

Track Presenter Study Title File Presentation File
B. Lawson I Am Remembering Audio icon SW2016 - Exhort - B Lawson.mp3
J. Lawson I Am Forever Audio icon SW2016 - I am forever - J Lawson.mp3
N. Luke I Am Watching Audio icon SW2016 - I am watching - N Luke.mp3
G. Wright The Greatest Election Of All Time Audio icon SW2016 - Exhort - The Greatest Election Of All Time - Glen Wright.mp3
D. Partridge I Am Inspired Audio icon SW2016 - I Am Inspired - D Partridge.mp3
M Teal I Am Holy Audio icon SW2016 - Song and Praise Meditation - M Teal.mp3

Study Week Bible Marking Sheets

Study Group Chapter and Theme for the day Bible Marking Sheet (PDF)
Tuesday 1 Peter 1 1 Peter 1 - Gold tried in the fire
Wednesday 1 Peter 2 1 Peter 2 - Jesus Christ our example
Thursday 1 Peter 3 1 Peter 3 - Suffer for Righteousness sake
Friday 1 Peter 4 1 Peter 4 - The glory to be revealed